
Mart, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Inventor of Mouse:Douglas Engelbart

Douglas Carl Engelbart  (January 30, 1925 – July 2, 2013) was an American  engineer and  inventor , and an early computer and  Internet pioneer . He is best known for his work on founding the field of  human–computer interaction , particularly while at his Augmentation Research Center  Lab in  SRI International , which resulted in creation of the  computer mouse , and the development of  hypertext , networked computers, and precursors to  graphical user interfaces . These were demonstrated at  The Mother of All Demos  in 1968.  Engelbart’s Law , the observation that the intrinsic rate of human performance is exponential, is named after him. In the early 1950s, he decided that instead of “having a steady job” – such as his position at NASA’s Ames Research Center – he would focus on making the world a better place. He reasoned that because the complexity of the world’s problems were increasing, and that any effor...


DOWNLOAD HERE In this updated book, I’m going show you how I easily got on the first page of Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Most SEO companies will charge you $500 - $1,000 just to audit your website. That’s too expensive and I’ll show you how to audit your entire website for free! My name is Kent Mauresmo. I’m a web developer and I specifically focus on SEO and search engine marketing. I’m one of the webmasters and content creators for read2learn.net, seocompanylosangeles.us, and many other websites. I’m also one of the authors of the book, “How to Build a Website with WordPress…Fast!” If you’ve already read that book, then you should be familiar with a few of our basic SEO techniques.

openVPN Cookbook Second Edition

DOWNLOAD HERE Jan Just Keijser is an open source professional from Utrecht, the Netherlands. He has a wide range of experience in IT, ranging from providing user support, system administration, and systems programming to network programming. He has worked for various IT companies since 1989. He was an active USENET contributor in the early 1990s and has been working mainly on Unix/Linux platforms since 1995. Currently, he is employed as a senior scientific programmer in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, at Nikhef, the institute for subatomic physics from the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM). He works on multi-core and many-core computing systems and grid computing as well as smartcard applications. His open source interests include all types of virtual private networking, including IPSec, PPTP, and, of course, OpenVPN. In 2004, he discovered OpenVPN and has been using it ever since. His first book was OpenVPN 2 Cookbook by Packt Publishing in 2011, followed by...

MS-DOS (cmd) ile usb format atma biçimlendirme


Learn Java for Android Development
